Renegade Burrito
- Pickup
- Delivery
- 3.9
- (33)
Compare the Prices for a $50 Order
Restaurant + Hyperflyer
- Menu markups:
- 0%
- Service fee:
- 0%
- Delivery fee:
- $7.95
- You pay
- $57.95
- Restaurants pay:
- $0.00
Third Party Delivery Apps
- Menu markups:
- 0% ~ 25%
- Service fee:
- 15%
- Delivery fee:
- $3.99
- You pay:
- $61.49 ~ $73.99
- Restaurants pay:
- $15.00
Delivery available through Hyperflyer after ordering pickup through Renegade Burrito
Compare the Prices for a $50 Order*
- Markups:
- Service:
- Delivery:
- You pay:
- Restaurants pay:
+ Hyperflyer
- 0%
- 0%
- $7.95
- $57.95
- $0.00
Third Party
Delivery Apps
- 0% ~ 25%
- 15%
- $3.99
- $61.49~73.99
- $15.00
The restaurant was dirty and disgusting. Employees were rude and dismissive, and the food was lackluster.
Not very many options but they are good
Really enjoyed the experience of seeing my burrito being made and the ease of adding tasty extras as it went down the line
The food was bland and compared to other similar burrito restaurants they did not hit the mark.
They kill it every time!🔥🔥🔥